About Us

See How The Magic Works

Lee Empire Holdings

Our desire is to see business owners succeed. We live and breathe the ideal that our company is not successful unless our clients are.

We know that running a business means managing multiple moving parts. We’re here to give you a hand and take development and marketing off your plate.

We Analysis Your business

We take a look at how things are running for your business on the web and see where improvements can be made.

We Love A Challenge

Have something in mind in particular that you need help with? Our team can find a solution that works for you.

We Take It Step-By-Step

Every business is unique with it’s own workflow and culture. We take the time to understand each business as if it were our own. 

We Cut Costs

Whether it’s hosting costs, domains or even a subscription service, depending on your situation we can help you save. 

Your Success Is Our Success

We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication

Let us be your ally for web development and marketing. Whatever issues you may be facing now we will tackle them headon so that you can get back to running your business.

Our team has years of experience helping businesses succeed online, see the people that make it happen.

meet our amazing team

The Faces Behind our Success

We Couldn’t Do It Without Them


Innovation Alchemist


Success Hacker


Lead Developer


Creative Arts Wizard


IT Specialist


Business Architect


Graphical Innovator


Digital Consultant


Business Architect

Meet Our Clients

we work for them

We’re in good company, see the other businesses we’ve helped grow. 

Do you want to grow your business?

we can do it together