Direct Mail

Get the Word Out With Direct Mail

Reach Customers In Your Area With Direct Mail

Direct Mail Postcard for Yoga Joint

New Potential Customers

Brands and businesses the world over are rediscovering the power of targeted direct mail campaigns. A well-designed mail piece can help reach customers with new offerings, establish your presence in the community, and create trust with new and potential customers.

Are you ready to make direct mail part of your marketing strategy? Let Lee Empire Holdings take care of it for you.

Why You Need Direct Mail For Your Business

We target our campaigns to meet your unique needs. Our laser-focused campaign strategies can help find the right message for a range of existing and potential customers, tailored to reach different demographics in your area. We can use the mailing list you already have to its fullest potential or help you build a new list, segmented and A/B tested for the best results.

Still not sure? Here’s why direct mail matters:

  • Marketing studies and surveys show that direct mail campaigns outperforms email on its own, generating purchases 5x larger than email campaigns. By combining email marketing with direct mail, companies have seen even stronger results.


  • Are you a new business? Maybe you’re opening a new location? Well-designed direct mailers with timely offers and messages can create hype around your brand before opening your doors.


  • People receive dozens, maybe even hundreds, of emails every day. But they only receive a few pieces of physical mail. A direct mail piece also reaches the entire household, not just one user’s inbox, which can influence purchasing decisions in the home.


  • Direct mail has a longer lifespan than email campaigns. People delete emails within seconds, but studies show that direct mail pieces are kept an average of 17 days. That’s over two weeks in homes while potential customers check out your site, services, and products.

Direct Mail For Your Business

What We Can Do For You

Lee Empire Holdings is here to help you take your business to the next level with modern direct mail marketing. Mail marketing is a great option for both new and established businesses, and can be tailored to meet your unique needs. 

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